© Copyright Jo Holloway 2019
Publishing Packages
I offer the options of cherry-picking individual services, or taking the full
book production package(s). Again, this is difficult to price here on the
web site, because a project can range from a letter to a full length
manuscript. For quotes on your particular project please contact me.
* INITIAL READING ASSESSMENT: I like to start by seeing your
manuscript, and then do a Reading Assessment. This involves a quick
read-through, making honest but constructive notes, which I then send
to you along with my advice on the best positioning for the book. I only
charge for this if you then decide not to continue with me. If we do
continue, here’s how it will work (generally):
* FULL DEVELOPMENTAL EDIT: If your book needs a full edit, I will
do the initial edit, then send back to you to go through and
agree/disagree/make changes.
* Second edit/changes according to your responses to the first
* Final changes. This will be the final edit in this package, unless
we both agree it needs further work.
* COPY EDIT: If your book does not need a full developmental edit,
we’ll do a copy edit instead. With s full edit, the copy edit is included.
* LAYOUT/TYPESETTIMG: Professional Layout in InDesign, formatted
to specifications from the printer you wish to use. Normally I laynout the
format for both LSI (Ingram) print service, and for Amazon.
* PROOFING PDF: I then reate a proof PDF which also goes to you for
any changes to the layout. While the professional proofread is going on,
you will also do your own final proofread.
* Full professional proof read with fact checking, timeline errors,
continuity, anything that doesn't agree with what's been said earlier in
the manuscript. This proofread also checks for continuity in the layout
itself. This catches any issues like chapter numbers, headings, line
spacing between headings and paragraphs, etc.
* Corrections from your response and the proofread.
* Create a final Printer's PDF.
* Final layout proof read;
* Create ebooks in Kindle and ePub formats.
* Register ISBNs for you - optional (mandatory if you want the data
services as below).
* Enter your book data into my online data system (BooksoniX), which
feeds the information out to all the major players like Nielsen, Bowker,
and a large number of distributors and sellers worldwide.
* Register your book on my print supplier's system, which gets your
book listed with Ingrams, the largest distributor in the USA.
* You then have two options: either I list my print supplier and
Ingrams as your main supplier, in which case anyone worldwide
wanting to order will do so through them; your book's sales will then
come through to us on my system and I will pay out your earnings
twice yearly (at a minimal admin fee). OR: I can list yourself or any
other printer as your main supplier.
* Note that this package does not include cover design; I can do
that separately or you can create your own.
PRICING: Depending on project, with a £50 minimum fee. As a guide, a
novel of 70,000 words with average degree of work needed on it would
cost around £1250 from start to print-ready PDF. If you want us to
continue to administer the book, then there will be a small admin cost.
Payments and Discounts:
For packages, I require payments in 3 stages after I have quoted and you
accept - 30% up front, 30% at mid-point, and the last 40% at end of the
job, when adjustments will be made up or down as necessary.