© Copyright Jo Holloway 2019
A bit of background, set in Africa and other startling places
In brief, I was born and raised all over Central and Southern Africa, and am proud to be a
Rhodesian. I knew from age 3 that I wanted to “make books”, and indeed the desire to
write and publish came to fruition throughout my life in a variety of ways. I've fought in a
bush war, skinny-dipped with hippos, camped amidst hyena, leopard and lion, hunted
crocodile (yes, just one!), had mad adventures on (and off) film and television sets, had
numerous brushes with death… and on the more ‘normal’ side, I have sat on boards for
script writing associations, governmental regulating committees and Child Welfare; and
dragged up two children and a husband (who all turned out amazingly well in spite of
me). I’ve done youth and women's and music ministry, camped at the tops of mountains
and bottoms of valleys, sailed in the Indian Ocean islands and along the east coast of
Africa, ridden motorbikes across Southern Africa... And here I am now, over half a
century behind me, and just as crazy about books and writing as I always was.
I spent the first 25 years of my adult life doing a variety of production and facilities work
in television and film, as well as hundreds of hours of script writing for TV, radio, film,
video, multimedia and print; teaching, mentoring, developing new writers, giving
workshops ... and then finally the dreams of that 3-year-old child came true, as for ten
years I have run my own publishing company. At last, I was 'making books'!
And now the time has come for me to share
my wide experience with those who need
help with their own writing and publishing
projects, before submitting their work to
agents, publishers, producers, etc. While
doing traditional publishing I was frustrated
that so many great manuscripts came
across my desk but didn’t quite make it into
our lists due to budgetary constraints. But
helping and teaching others has always
been a natural part of my life, and I have
enormous enthusiasm for writers and their
craft. So here we go - ‘call me, maybe’!
Incidentally, my other passions include boats; I have sailed/boated on and off, from
dinghies to kayaks and yachts and motored boats, on lakes and rivers and oceans, since I
was 3 years old. I now co-own a narrowboat with my ex-husband, Andrew, currently on
the Grand Union Canal. :)
“In this world you've a soul for
a compass
And a heart for a pair of wings
There's a star on the far horizon
Rising bright in an azure sky
For the rest of the time that
you're given
Why walk when you can fly?”
~ Mary Chapin Carpenter